Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-data: September 2002:
[freeciv-data] Mutopia: finally a music site which offers proper public

[freeciv-data] Mutopia: finally a music site which offers proper public

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To: freeciv-data@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-data] Mutopia: finally a music site which offers proper public domain music
From: "T.J.T van Kooten" <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 00:47:41 +0200
Reply-to: freeciv-data@xxxxxxxxxxx

Whilst browsing the web I found this web volunteer project 
called Mutopia ( A 
place where music is free for everyone! This could prove 
useful when Freeciv gets music support. Classic music from 
the baroque era sounds nice in any game! 

The site is aimed at providing musicsheets typeset in GNU 
Lilypond but they also provide midi's. I've listened to a few 
and in general they sound okay. Not with the "zing" and 
"dynamic" found in a filmscore most of us are used to. This is 
because the midi songs are mostly played on a single 
instrument (piano, harpsicord, violin etc..).  They still sound 
pretty good however if you have a decent midi soundcard. I 
use a Roland Soundcanvas myself so actual milage may 

Just take a look at Mutopia and listen I would say,

Thomas van Kooten (CapTVK)

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  • [freeciv-data] Mutopia: finally a music site which offers proper public domain music, T.J.T van Kooten <=