Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-announce: June 2000:
[freeciv-announce] Version 1.11.0 released

[freeciv-announce] Version 1.11.0 released

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To: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx, freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, freeciv-announce@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-announce] Version 1.11.0 released
From: Jeff Mallatt <jjm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 20:48:11 -0400
Reply-to: freeciv-announce@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hello Freecivers.

Version 1.11.0 is done!  It is available at:

Thanks again to our developers, and everyone in the Freeciv community, for
making our favorite game such a success.


 - Internationalization extended.  Still needs improvement.
   Current localizations: de en_GB es fr hu ja nl no pl pt pt_BR ru.
 - Added full Fog of War.  Controlled by "fogofwar" server option.
 - Added explicit Diplomatic States between civilizations: war, neutral,
   no-contact, cease-fire peace and alliance.
 - Allow terrain changes to/from land/ocean.  Default ruleset allows
   Engineers to Transform Swamp to Ocean and Ocean to Swamp.  Also
   allows Forest to be Mined into Swamp.
 - Increased maximum number of players to 30.
 - Fortifying now takes a turn to complete (like Civ1/2).
 - Added correct Civ2 style of Apollo wonder (shows entire map, rather
   than just cities).  Selected by "civstyle" server option.
 - Aggressive sea units no longer cause unhappiness when in a city.
 - Added Civ2 rule that firepower is reduced to 1 for both the defender
   and the attacker when a ship bombards a land unit.
 - When changing current research, if user changes back to what was being
   researched, the penalty is not applied (you keep all your bulbs).
 - Added pop-up of more details when clicking on info box in GTK+ client.
 - Improved the global warming danger indicator.
 - Added warning of incipient city growth.
 - The server "remove <player>" command is no longer available after the
   game has started.
 - Added "fixedlength" server option to make all turns exactly "timeout"
 - The "timeout" time may be much longer (up to a day).
 - Added goto for air units.  If destination is beyond range, they will
   stop in cities/airfields/etc. to get there.
 - May now select a unit by clicking on the unit pile display on the left.
 - Diplomats/Spies moving by goto now do pop-up the Diplomat/Spy command
   dialog when they reach a city.
 - Improved goto algorithm and implementation.
 - Help dialog displays which buildings an advance will obsolete.
 - Optionally show city food/shields/trade productions on main map.
 - Added server option "autotoggle", which toggles AI status on and off
   as players connect and disconnect.
 - Allow Hoover Dam to be built anywhere, to conform to Civ2.
 - Show turns per advance in Science Advisor dialog.
 - Improved map and unit movement drawing code.
 - Added "End Turn when done moving" local option.
 - City production penalties now applied more correctly.
 - Added Sentry and Fortify to Present Units' City Dialog pop-up.
 - More nations added.
 - Added a resource file for the GTK+ client.
 - Improved network code for more reliable connections.
 - Split nations.ruleset into individual <nation>.ruleset files.
 - Extended registry file format to allow including files and overriding
 - Added --with-xaw and --enable-client=xaw3d options to ./configure
 - Lots of bug fixes and code cleanups.


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  • [freeciv-announce] Version 1.11.0 released, Jeff Mallatt <=