[freeciv-ai] Re: (PR#9610) AI movemap
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<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=9610 >
On Sun, 19 Dec 2004, Benedict Adamson wrote:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=9610 >
> I wrote:
> ...
> > The movemap structure seems to mishandle deleted units.
> ...
> > The list[s] actually
> > holds pointers to the unit IDs (&punit->id), which is no safer than
> > holding thepointers to the units themselves (punit).
> ...
> Subsequent investigation confirmed my suspicion. Attached is a corrected
> version of Per's movemap patch. This version uses a genlist rather than
> a speclist. This should be applicable to the CVS development version of
> 2004-12-18. However, I had to extract the patch from my own, greatly
> modified version of the code, so it is untested.
Oh, my. Good catch!
I am not too hot on your fix, though. Using genlists directly is bad. I
think perhaps using a specvec here might be better. We know how big to
make it beforehand, and we won't be doing any inserts/deletions after we
have created it, before we deallocate and recreate it.
Could you post your greatly modified version too? Even if it doesn't work
- it would just be nice to see where you are taking it.
- Per