[freeciv-ai] (PR#8992) Building ferries
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<URL: http://rt.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=8992 >
> [glip - Wed Jun 16 16:26:55 2004]:
> I spent quite a bit of time on this and really afraid of the bitrot so
> please commit asap.
Fixed a bug and added some debug options to the code.
Savegames are not identical, the divergence happens around 1AD.
But I don't want to trace it around anymore.
P.S. Actually I did spend an awful lot of time on tracing the
difference. It was in a small bug accidentally fixed in the new version.
P.P.S. Some better tools are needed to do it more efficiently. For
example, one can output to gamelog all unit movements. Or one can
switch on all LOG_DEBUG messages and compare them...
P.P.P.S. But the bottom line is that savegames are identical modulo two
conscious bugfixes.
Freeciv - Copyright (C) 2004 - The Freeciv Project
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <config.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "path_finding.h"
#include "pf_tools.h"
#include "hand_gen.h"
#include "unithand.h"
#include "unittools.h"
#include "aidata.h"
#include "ailog.h"
#include "aitools.h"
#include "aiunit.h"
#include "aiferry.h"
/* =================== constants with special meaning =================== */
* This one is used only by ferryboats in ai.passenger field
#define FERRY_AVAILABLE -1 /* Boat is looking for a passenger */
* The below is used only by passengers in ai.ferryboat field
#define FERRY_WANTED -1 /* Needs a boat */
#define FERRY_NONE 0 /* Has no boa and doesn't need one */
/* =================== group log levels, debug options ================= */
/* Logging in ferry management functions */
/* Logging in go_by_boat functions */
/* Logging in find_ferry functions */
/* Extra consistency checks */
/* ========= managing statistics and boat/passanger assignments ======== */
Call to initialize the ferryboat statistics
void aiferry_init_stats(struct player *pplayer)
struct ai_data *ai = ai_data_get(pplayer);
ai->stats.passengers = 0;
ai->stats.boats = 0;
ai->stats.available_boats = 0;
unit_list_iterate(pplayer->units, punit) {
if (is_sailing_unit(punit) && is_ground_units_transport(punit)) {
if (punit->ai.passenger == FERRY_AVAILABLE) {
if (punit->ai.ferryboat == FERRY_WANTED) {
UNIT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, punit, "wants a boat.");
} unit_list_iterate_end;
Print the list of boats of pplayer.
static void aiferry_print_stats(struct player *pplayer)
struct ai_data *ai = ai_data_get(pplayer);
int n = 1;
freelog(LOG_NORMAL, "Boat stats for %s[%d]",
pplayer->name, pplayer->player_no);
freelog(LOG_NORMAL, "Registered: %d free out of total %d",
ai->stats.available_boats, ai->stats.boats);
unit_list_iterate(pplayer->units, punit) {
if (is_sailing_unit(punit) && is_ground_units_transport(punit)) {
freelog(LOG_NORMAL, "#%d. %s[%d], psngr=%d",
n, unit_type(punit)->name, punit->id, punit->ai.passenger);
} unit_list_iterate_end;
#endif /* DEBUG_FERRY_STATS */
Use on a unit which no longer needs a boat.
void aiferry_clear_boat(struct unit *punit)
if (punit->ai.ferryboat == FERRY_WANTED) {
struct ai_data *ai = ai_data_get(unit_owner(punit));
} else {
struct unit *ferry = find_unit_by_id(punit->ai.ferryboat);
if (ferry && ferry->ai.passenger == punit->id) {
/* punit doesn't want us anymore */
ferry->ai.passenger = FERRY_AVAILABLE;
punit->ai.ferryboat = FERRY_NONE;
Request a boat for the unit. Should only be used if the unit is on the
coast, otherwise ferries will not see it.
static void aiferry_request_boat(struct unit *punit)
struct ai_data *ai = ai_data_get(unit_owner(punit));
/* First clear the previous assignments (just in case) */
/* Now add ourselves to the list of potential passengers */
UNIT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, punit, "requests a boat.");
punit->ai.ferryboat = FERRY_WANTED;
Assign the passenger to the boat and vice versa.
static void aiferry_psngr_meet_boat(struct unit *punit, struct unit *pferry)
/* First delete the unit from the list of passengers and
* release its previous ferry */
/* If ferry was available, update the stats */
if (pferry->ai.passenger == FERRY_AVAILABLE) {
/* Exchange the phone numbers */
punit->ai.ferryboat = pferry->id;
pferry->ai.passenger = punit->id;
Mark the ferry as available and update the statistics.
static void aiferry_make_available(struct unit *pferry)
if (pferry->ai.passenger != FERRY_AVAILABLE) {
pferry->ai.passenger = FERRY_AVAILABLE;
Returns the number of available boats. A simple accessor made to perform
debug checks.
static int aiferry_avail_boats(struct player *pplayer)
struct ai_data *ai = ai_data_get(pplayer);
/* To developer: Switch this checking on when testing some new
* ferry code. */
/* There is one "legitimate" reason for failing this check: a ferry got
* killed but wasn't taken off the register */
int boats = 0;
unit_list_iterate(pplayer->units, punit) {
if (is_sailing_unit(punit) && is_ground_units_transport(punit)
&& punit->ai.passenger == FERRY_AVAILABLE) {
} unit_list_iterate_end;
if (boats != ai->stats.available_boats) {
freelog(LOG_ERROR, "Player[%d] in turn %d: boats miscounted.",
pplayer->player_no, game.turn);
#endif /* DEBUG_FERRY_STATS */
return ai->stats.available_boats;
/* ================== functions to find a boat ========================= */
Combined cost function for a land unit looking for a ferry. The path
finding first goes over the continent and then into the ocean where we
actually look for ferry. Thus moves land-to-sea are allowed and moves
sea-to-land are not. A consequence is that we don't get into the cities
on other continent, which might station boats. This defficiency seems to
be impossible to fix with the current PF structure, so it has to be
accounted for in the actual ferry search function.
For movements sea-to-sea the cost is collected via the extra cost
call-back. Doesn't care for enemy/neutral tiles, these should be
excluded using a TB call-back.
static int combined_land_sea_move(int x, int y, enum direction8 dir,
int x1, int y1,
struct pf_parameter *param)
struct tile *src_tile = map_get_tile(x, y);
struct tile *tgt_tile = map_get_tile(x1, y1);
int move_cost;
if (is_ocean(tgt_tile->terrain)) {
/* Any-to-Sea */
move_cost = 0;
} else if (src_tile->terrain == T_OCEAN) {
/* Sea-to-Land */
move_cost = PF_IMPOSSIBLE_MC;
} else {
/* Land-to-Land */
move_cost = src_tile->move_cost[dir];
return move_cost;
EC callback to account for the cost of sea moves by a ferry hurrying to
pick our unit up.
static int sea_move(int x, int y, enum known_type known,
struct pf_parameter *param)
if (is_ocean(map_get_tile(x, y)->terrain)) {
/* Approximately TURN_FACTOR / average ferry move rate
* we can pass a better guess of the move rate through param->data
* but we don't know which boat we will find out there */
} else {
return 0;
Proper and real PF function for finding a boat. If you don't require
the path to the ferry, pass path=NULL.
WARNING: Due to the nature of this function and PF (see the comment of
combined_land_sea_move), the path won't lead onto the boat itself.
FIXME: Actually check the capacity.
int aiferry_find_boat(struct unit *punit, int cap, struct pf_path **path)
int best_turns = FC_INFINITY;
int best_id = 0;
struct pf_parameter param;
struct pf_map *search_map;
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FINDFERRY, punit, "asked find_ferry for a boat");
if (aiferry_avail_boats(unit_owner(punit)) <= 0
&& punit->ai.ferryboat <= 0) {
/* No boats to be found (the second check is to ensure that we are not
* the ones keeping the last boat busy) */
return 0;
pft_fill_unit_parameter(¶m, punit);
param.turn_mode = TM_WORST_TIME;
param.get_TB = no_fights_or_unknown;
param.get_EC = sea_move;
param.get_MC = combined_land_sea_move;
search_map = pf_create_map(¶m);
pf_iterator(search_map, pos) {
int radius = (is_ocean(map_get_tile(pos.x, pos.y)->terrain) ? 1 : 0);
if (pos.turn + pos.total_EC/PF_TURN_FACTOR > best_turns) {
/* Won't find anything better */
/* FIXME: This condition is somewhat dodgy */
square_iterate(pos.x, pos.y, radius, x, y) {
struct tile *ptile = map_get_tile(x, y);
unit_list_iterate(ptile->units, aunit) {
if (is_ground_units_transport(aunit)
&& aunit->owner == punit->owner
&& (aunit->ai.passenger == FERRY_AVAILABLE
|| aunit->ai.passenger == punit->id)) {
/* Turns for the unit to get to rendezvous pnt */
int u_turns = pos.turn;
/* Turns for the boat to get to the rendezvous pnt */
int f_turns = ((pos.total_EC / PF_TURN_FACTOR * 16
- aunit->moves_left)
/ unit_type(aunit)->move_rate);
int turns = MAX(u_turns, f_turns);
if (turns < best_turns) {
"Found a potential boat %s[%d](%d,%d)",
unit_type(aunit)->name, aunit->id, aunit->x, aunit->y);
if (path) {
*path = pf_next_get_path(search_map);
best_turns = turns;
best_id = aunit->id;
} unit_list_iterate_end;
} square_iterate_end;
} pf_iterator_end;
return best_id;
Find a boat within one move from us (i.e. a one we can board).
FIXME: Actually check the capacity.
static int aiferry_find_boat_nearby(struct unit *punit, int cap)
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FINDFERRY, punit, "asked find_ferry_nearby for a boat");
square_iterate(punit->x, punit->y, 1, x, y) {
unit_list_iterate(map_get_tile(x, y)->units, aunit) {
if (is_ground_units_transport(aunit)
&& aunit->owner == punit->owner
&& (aunit->ai.passenger == FERRY_AVAILABLE
|| aunit->ai.passenger == punit->id)) {
return aunit->id;
} unit_list_iterate_end;
} square_iterate_end;
return 0;
/* ============================= go by boat ============================== */
This function is to be called if punit needs to use a boat to get to the
Return values: TRUE if got to or next to our destination, FALSE otherwise.
TODO: A big one is rendezvous points between units and boats. When this is
implemented, we won't have to be at the coast to ask for a boat to come
to us.
You MUST have warmap created before calling this function in order for
find_beachhead to work here. This requirement should be removed. For
example, we can require that (dest_x,dest_y) is on a coast.
bool aiferry_gobyboat(struct player *pplayer, struct unit *punit,
int dest_x, int dest_y)
if (punit->transported_by <= 0) {
/* We are not on a boat and we cannot walk */
int boatid;
struct unit *ferryboat = NULL;
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "will have to go to (%d,%d) by boat",
dest_x, dest_y);
if (!is_ocean_near_tile(punit->x, punit->y)) {
struct pf_path *path_to_ferry = NULL;
boatid = aiferry_find_boat(punit, 2, &path_to_ferry);
if (boatid <= 0) {
"in ai_gothere cannot find any boats.");
return FALSE;
ferryboat = find_unit_by_id(boatid);
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "found boat[%d](%d,%d), going there",
boatid, ferryboat->x, ferryboat->y);
/* The path can be amphibious so we will stop at the coast.
* It might not lead _onto_ the boat. */
if (!ai_unit_execute_path(punit, path_to_ferry)) {
/* Died. */
return FALSE;
if (!is_ocean_near_tile(punit->x, punit->y)) {
/* Still haven't reached the coast */
return FALSE;
/* We are on the coast, look around for a boat */
boatid = aiferry_find_boat_nearby(punit, 2);
if (boatid <= 0) {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "requesting a boat.");
return FALSE;
/* Ok, a boat found, try boarding it */
ferryboat = find_unit_by_id(boatid);
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "found a nearby boat[%d](%d,%d)",
ferryboat->id, ferryboat->x, ferryboat->y);
/* Setting ferry now in hope it won't run away even
* if we can't board it right now */
aiferry_psngr_meet_boat(punit, ferryboat);
if (is_tiles_adjacent(punit->x, punit->y, ferryboat->x, ferryboat->y)) {
(void) ai_unit_move(punit, ferryboat->x, ferryboat->y);
if (!same_pos(punit->x, punit->y, ferryboat->x, ferryboat->y)) {
/* Something prevented us from boarding */
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "couldn't board boat[%d](%d,%d)",
ferryboat->id, ferryboat->x, ferryboat->y);
return FALSE;
handle_unit_load(pplayer, punit->id, ferryboat->id);
assert(punit->transported_by > 0);
if (punit->transported_by > 0) {
/* We are on a boat, ride it! */
struct unit *ferryboat = find_unit_by_id(punit->transported_by);
/* Check if we are the passenger-in-charge */
if (ferryboat->ai.passenger <= 0
|| ferryboat->ai.passenger == punit->id) {
int beach_x, beach_y; /* Destination for the boat */
struct tile *dest_tile = map_get_tile(dest_x, dest_y);
struct unit *bodyguard = find_unit_by_id(punit->ai.bodyguard);
"got boat[%d](moves left: %d), going (%d,%d)",
ferryboat->id, ferryboat->moves_left, dest_x, dest_y);
aiferry_psngr_meet_boat(punit, ferryboat);
/* If the location is not accessible directly from sea
* or is defended and we are not marines, we will need a
* landing beach */
if (!is_ocean_near_tile(dest_x, dest_y)
||((is_non_allied_city_tile(dest_tile, pplayer)
|| is_non_allied_unit_tile(dest_tile, pplayer))
&& !unit_flag(punit, F_MARINES))) {
if (!find_beachhead(punit, dest_x, dest_y, &beach_x, &beach_y)) {
/* Nowhere to go */
return FALSE;
"Found beachhead (%d,%d)", beach_x, beach_y);
} else {
beach_x = dest_x;
beach_y = dest_y;
set_goto_dest(ferryboat, beach_x, beach_y);
set_goto_dest(punit, dest_x, dest_y);
/* Grab bodyguard */
if (bodyguard
&& !same_pos(punit->x, punit->y, bodyguard->x, bodyguard->y)) {
if (!goto_is_sane(bodyguard, punit->x, punit->y, TRUE)
|| !ai_unit_goto(punit, punit->x, punit->y)) {
/* Bodyguard can't get there or died en route */
punit->ai.bodyguard = BODYGUARD_WANTED;
bodyguard = NULL;
} else if (bodyguard->moves_left <= 0) {
/* Wait for me, I'm cooooming!! */
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "waiting for bodyguard");
return FALSE;
} else {
/* Crap bodyguard. Got stuck somewhere. Ditch it! */
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "ditching useless bodyguard");
punit->ai.bodyguard = BODYGUARD_WANTED;
ai_unit_new_role(bodyguard, AIUNIT_NONE, -1, -1);
bodyguard = NULL;
if (bodyguard) {
assert(same_pos(punit->x, punit->y, bodyguard->x, bodyguard->y));
handle_unit_load(pplayer, bodyguard->id, ferryboat->id);
if (!ai_unit_goto(ferryboat, beach_x, beach_y)) {
/* died */
return FALSE;
if (!is_tiles_adjacent(ferryboat->x, ferryboat->y, beach_x, beach_y)
&& !same_pos(ferryboat->x, ferryboat->y, beach_x, beach_y)) {
/* We are in still transit */
return FALSE;
} else {
/* Waiting for the boss to load and move us */
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "Cannot command boat [%d],"
" its boss is [%d]",
ferryboat->id, ferryboat->ai.passenger);
return FALSE;
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_GOBYBOAT, punit, "Our boat has arrived");
handle_unit_activity_request(punit, ACTIVITY_IDLE);
return TRUE;
/* ===================== boat management ================================= */
A helper for ai_manage_ferryboat. Finds a passenger for the ferry.
Potential passengers signal the boats by setting their ai.ferry field to
TODO: lift the path off the map
static bool aiferry_findcargo(struct unit *pferry)
/* Path-finding stuff */
struct pf_map *map;
struct pf_parameter parameter;
int passengers = ai_data_get(unit_owner(pferry))->stats.passengers;
if (passengers <= 0) {
/* No passangers anywhere */
return FALSE;
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, pferry, "Ferryboat is looking for cargo.");
pft_fill_unit_overlap_param(¶meter, pferry);
/* If we have omniscience, we use it, since paths to some places
* might be "blocked" by unknown. We don't want to fight though */
parameter.get_TB = no_fights;
map = pf_create_map(¶meter);
while (pf_next(map)) {
struct pf_position pos;
pf_next_get_position(map, &pos);
unit_list_iterate(map_get_tile(pos.x, pos.y)->units, aunit) {
if (pferry->owner == aunit->owner
&& (aunit->ai.ferryboat == FERRY_WANTED
|| aunit->ai.ferryboat == pferry->id)) {
"Found a potential cargo %s[%d](%d,%d), going there",
unit_type(aunit)->name, aunit->id, aunit->x, aunit->y);
set_goto_dest(pferry, aunit->x, aunit->y);
/* Exchange phone numbers */
aiferry_psngr_meet_boat(aunit, pferry);
return TRUE;
} unit_list_iterate_end;
/* False positive can happen if we cannot find a route to the passenger
* because of an internal sea or enemy blocking the route */
"AI Passengers counting reported false positive %d", passengers);
return FALSE;
A helper for ai_manage_ferryboat. Finds a city that wants a ferry. It
might signal for the ferry using pcity->ai.choice.need_boat field or
it might simply be building a ferry of it's own.
The city found will be set as the goto destination.
TODO: lift the path off the map
TODO (possible): put this and ai_ferry_findcargo into one PF-loop. This
will save some code lines but will be faster in the rare cases when there
passengers that can not be reached ("false positive").
static bool aiferry_find_interested_city(struct unit *pferry)
/* Path-finding stuff */
struct pf_map *map;
struct pf_parameter parameter;
/* Early termination condition */
int turns_horizon = FC_INFINITY;
/* Future return value */
bool needed = FALSE;
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, pferry, "Ferry looking for a city that needs it");
pft_fill_unit_parameter(¶meter, pferry);
/* We are looking for our own cities, no need to look into the unknown */
parameter.get_TB = no_fights_or_unknown;
parameter.omniscience = FALSE;
map = pf_create_map(¶meter);
parameter.turn_mode = TM_WORST_TIME;
/* We want to consider the place we are currently in too, hence the
* do-while loop */
do {
struct pf_position pos;
struct city *pcity;
pf_next_get_position(map, &pos);
if (pos.turn >= turns_horizon) {
/* Won't be able to find anything better than what we have */
pcity = map_get_city(pos.x, pos.y);
if (pcity && pcity->owner == pferry->owner
&& (pcity->ai.choice.need_boat
|| (pcity->is_building_unit
&& unit_has_role(pcity->currently_building, L_FERRYBOAT)))) {
bool really_needed = TRUE;
int turns = city_turns_to_build(pcity, pcity->currently_building,
pcity->is_building_unit, TRUE);
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, pferry, "%s (%d, %d) looks promising...",
pcity->name, pcity->x, pcity->y);
if (pos.turn > turns && pcity->is_building_unit
&& unit_has_role(pcity->currently_building, L_FERRYBOAT)) {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, pferry, "%s is NOT suitable: "
"will finish building its own ferry too soon", pcity->name);
if (turns >= turns_horizon) {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, pferry, "%s is NOT suitable: "
"has just started building", pcity->name);
unit_list_iterate(map_get_tile(pos.x, pos.y)->units, aunit) {
if (aunit != pferry && aunit->owner == pferry->owner
&& unit_has_role(aunit->type, L_FERRYBOAT)) {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, pferry, "%s is NOT suitable: "
"has another ferry", pcity->name);
really_needed = FALSE;
} unit_list_iterate_end;
if (really_needed) {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, pferry, "will go to %s unless we "
"find something better", pcity->name);
set_goto_dest(pferry, pos.x, pos.y);
turns_horizon = turns;
needed = TRUE;
} while (pf_next(map));
return needed;
It's about 12 feet square and has a capacity of almost 1000 pounds.
It is well constructed of teak, and looks seaworthy.
Manage ferryboat. If there is a passenger-in-charge, we let it drive the
boat. If there isn't, appoint one from those we have on board.
If there is no one aboard, look for potential cargo. If none found,
explore and then go to the nearest port.
void ai_manage_ferryboat(struct player *pplayer, struct unit *punit)
struct city *pcity;
/* Try to recover hitpoints if we are in a city, before we do anything */
if (punit->hp < unit_type(punit)->hp
&& (pcity = map_get_city(punit->x, punit->y))) {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "waiting in %s to recover hitpoints",
/* Check if we are an empty barbarian boat and so not needed */
if (is_barbarian(pplayer) && !punit->occupy) {
do {
/* Do we have the passenger-in-charge on board? */
struct tile *ptile = map_get_tile(punit->x, punit->y);
if (punit->ai.passenger > 0) {
struct unit *psngr = find_unit_by_id(punit->ai.passenger);
/* If the passenger-in-charge is adjacent, we should wait for it to
* board. We will pass control to it later.
* FIXME: A possible side-effect: a boat will linger near a passenger
* which already landed. */
if (!psngr
|| real_map_distance(punit->x, punit->y, psngr->x, psngr->y) > 1) {
"recorded passenger[%d] is not on board, checking for others",
punit->ai.passenger = 0;
if (punit->ai.passenger <= 0) {
struct unit *candidate = NULL;
/* Try to select passanger-in-charge from among our passengers */
unit_list_iterate(ptile->units, aunit) {
if (aunit->ai.ferryboat != punit->id
&& aunit->ai.ferryboat != FERRY_WANTED) {
if (aunit->ai.ai_role != AIUNIT_ESCORT) {
candidate = aunit;
} else {
/* Bodyguards shouldn't be in charge of boats so continue looking */
candidate = aunit;
} unit_list_iterate_end;
if (candidate) {
"appointed %s[%d] our passenger-in-charge",
unit_type(candidate)->name, candidate->id);
aiferry_psngr_meet_boat(candidate, punit);
if (punit->ai.passenger > 0) {
int bossid = punit->ai.passenger; /* Loop prevention */
struct unit *boss = find_unit_by_id(punit->ai.passenger);
int id = punit->id; /* To check if survived */
assert(boss != NULL);
if (unit_flag(boss, F_SETTLERS) || unit_flag(boss, F_CITIES)) {
/* Temporary hack: settlers all go in the end, forcing them
* earlier might mean uninitialised cache, so just wait for them */
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "passing control to %s[%d]",
unit_type(boss)->name, boss->id);
ai_manage_unit(pplayer, boss);
if (!find_unit_by_id(id) || punit->moves_left <= 0) {
if (find_unit_by_id(bossid)
&& same_pos(punit->x, punit->y, boss->x, boss->y)) {
/* The boss decided to stay put on the ferry. We aren't moving. */
} else {
/* Cannot select a passenger-in-charge */
} while (punit->occupy != 0);
/* Not carrying anyone, even the ferryman */
if (IS_ATTACKER(punit) && punit->moves_left > 0) {
/* AI used to build frigates to attack and then use them as ferries
* -- Syela */
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "passing ferry over to attack code");
ai_manage_military(pplayer, punit);
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "Ferryboat is not carrying anyone.");
handle_unit_activity_request(punit, ACTIVITY_IDLE);
ai_unit_new_role(punit, AIUNIT_NONE, -1, -1);
/* Try to find passengers */
if (aiferry_findcargo(punit)) {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "picking up cargo");
ai_unit_goto(punit, goto_dest_x(punit), goto_dest_y(punit));
/* Try to find a city that needs a ferry */
if (aiferry_find_interested_city(punit)) {
if (same_pos(punit->x, punit->y, goto_dest_x(punit), goto_dest_y(punit))) {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "staying in city that needs us");
} else {
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "going to city that needs us");
(void) ai_unit_goto(punit, goto_dest_x(punit), goto_dest_y(punit));
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "Passing control of ferry to explorer code");
(void) ai_manage_explorer(punit);
if (punit->moves_left > 0) {
struct city *pcity = find_nearest_safe_city(punit);
if (pcity) {
set_goto_dest(punit, pcity->x, pcity->y);
UNIT_LOG(LOGLEVEL_FERRY, punit, "No work, going home");
(void) ai_unit_goto(punit, pcity->x, pcity->y);