Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: March 2003:
[aclug-L] Business Week article

[aclug-L] Business Week article

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Business Week article
From: ironrose <ironrose@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2003 18:36:09 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

I read a very interesting article about linux uprising in the Business 
Week magazine.  You can check out the article at 
 Open Source and Linux is getting more recognition in the market place, 
but still mostly as a server.  M$ is finding out that they are losing 
the server market--no duh!  Ease of use and a pretty interface at their 
price is more important than security?  I don't think so!  Businesses 
are deciding to go somewhere else for their server OS.  They also said 
that RedHat looks favorable, but may not be doing as well as they claim.

They left a real question in the mind for the readers--what is this 
going to do to the software industry?  Software for free, how is the 
programmer going to be paid for his or her time investment?  They are 
finding out that the results of the Open Source software movement is 
creating more efficient and better programs.  (And Bill Gates called the 
linux programmers hobbyists in the book, Rebel Code because they don't 
have jobs with big companies like M$.)

We will see how this shakes out, but M$ is going to have justify their 
In tech support land, we found out what NTFS stands for-- Not Trusted 
For Servers.

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