Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: May 2001:
[aclug-L] Speaking of firewalls and such

[aclug-L] Speaking of firewalls and such

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Speaking of firewalls and such
From: james l <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 13:09:26 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

I have a machine with an onboard tulip network interface, but I have no riser
card, so linux detects and initializes it as eth0, while the other card
(tulip as well) is initialized as eth1. It routes everything to eth0 by
default (for some reason, and  I can't seem to change it, eth0 insists on
having the static ip the computer has  When it first boots until you type
"ifconfig eth0 down" it will not access the network (as everything is sent to
x.x.x.y (that both cards 'share')) from either side. I think this might be
useful for a deny all firewall (combined with at) so that you could have it
only on when you wanted it on and could shut it down, with the ability to
time when it goes back up. Or is there some way to access this box even when
it has both interfaces up.

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