[aclug-L] eTip of the Week
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Business & Industry Institute
eTIP of the Week
December 11, 2000
B&I delivers results-oriented training, retraining, and business assistance
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TOPIC: Health
TITLE: Reduce Holiday Stress
SOURCE: American Profile Magazine, Nov. 3, 2000
SUBMITTED BY: Loretta Patterson, HRD Training Specialist
How do you feel when you think of the approaching holiday? If you lean
toward anxiety, overload or even dread, here are some survival tips.
Simplify your ?To Do? list. List everything that usually takes your time
and attention. Re-evaluate and cross out those holiday ?shoulds? you no
longer enjoy or that cause you undue stress. Arrange the remaining items by
degree of joy they bring you. Stop sending out cards if you don?t enjoy it.
Holiday baking and decorating are not requirements for a successful holiday
experience. If you love baking, plan to bake ahead and allow yourself
plenty of time. Approach the activity lovingly and with the knowledge that
you are honoring the holiday. Discard the unrealistic message that you must
create the picture-perfect holiday, only to miss the true spirit of the
season. Be your own Santa Claus. Leave gaps to enjoy the here and now.
Give yourself the stress-free, joyful holiday you deserve. Only when you
truly embody inner peace and love will you radiate it freely to others.
What better gift can you give yourself and your loved ones?
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- [aclug-L] eTip of the Week,
Paul Bush <=