[aclug-L] Warning about cheap Maxtor hds
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Hello everyone,
A 2 weeks or so back, My dad got a ~45 gig (41.9 really....) drive at compusa
for ~200. I hadn't opened it until yesterday. When I put it in to my
computer, it did not work. I thought ok, maybe I need to specify it as user.
When I typed it in, it gave me a size of ~10 gig. I have a 10 gig (from the
same company) for my computer, and thought maybe I had picked the wrong one,
I which I hadn't. When I looked at the other drive I found the CHS to be
exactly the same. I haven't taken it back yet (we bought their replacement
thing, and if they don't, there may be some fireworks before the 4th), but I
thought I would warn everyone. The drive was sealed in shrinkwrap from
Maxtor. Oh yeah, it did not work at all.
I hope that this is just one incident, but haveing it entirely packaged as it
should have been causes me some concern that someone else might have been
ripped off. I don't think that now even the fact that they are cheap and big
(and slow) will make me buy Maxtor ever again.
James L
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