[aclug-L] SVGA in Linux & some Distribution
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I'm thinking of upgrading my Linux (now RH 5.2) & I'm having trouble to set
the monitor to display 1024x768 256 or 1024x768 16 bit. I know my monitor
able to do that [I run MS Window 95 and able to set to that point] but I
don't have documentation for the monitor).
But if anyone have the same monitor please let me know.
The brand is: Compaq SVGA
Serial Number : 452052774971
Ass'y No. 143801-502
Spare No. 143807-501
manufactured December 1994
I just wondering in RH 6 do you need to configure the Xconfig or
automatically detect (like MS Windows?)Do any body can recomand any
distribution which can detect automatically?
did somebody know about phat distribution (is it good?) any sugestion or
David Wibowo
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- [aclug-L] SVGA in Linux & some Distribution,
David Wibowo <=