Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: November 1999:
[aclug-L] PPPoop...

[aclug-L] PPPoop...

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To: <aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] PPPoop...
From: "gLaNDix" <glandix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:40:07 -0600
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

ok, i got my new ModemBlaster, and it's up and running in windoze...  and, 
after a bit of nailbiting work, i got it seen in linux...  finally, had no IRQ 
or conflict problems (after turning off PnP)...  the world was a burrito...  
now, my only problem is........  WHAT THE HECK TO I DO W/ IT???  : ^ )

i've been messing around w/ pppd config stuff, and a little w/ diald and 
anything else i could find on my system, but i just can't get it to work!  it 
dials southwind, makes the familiar noises : ^ ) , then...  poof...  nothing... 
no internet, no connection, no phone lines tied up.. it just disconnects, as if 
the other end was booting me, or my login was incorrect....  i followed John 
Goerzen's (btw...  congrats for making it in the huge publication of the 
Hillsboro Free Press! : ^ ) instructions on southwind i had printed off 2 
summers ago, but it still won't work...  ideas?  anyone have alternative ways 
to connect that are better / easier??  i'm up for anything right now, because i 
have to replace my 4th bad hard drive (winblows side only) and want to move 
everythingback to linux like the good ol' (LAN) days...

eventually, i would like to either be able to connect / disconnect via WMPPP, 
or have it kinda like windoze where when you request something remote it 
automaticallly connects...  i would kinda prefer to use WMPPP, just 'cause i 
like it, but if someone can get me set up the other way, heck w/ it!

thanks in advance,
jesse kaufman

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  • [aclug-L] PPPoop..., gLaNDix <=