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[aclug-L] shell programming

[aclug-L] shell programming

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To: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] shell programming
From: Tom Hull <thull@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:37:28 -0500
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

FYI, attached are the notes on shell programming that I had prepared for
last night's ACLUG meeting. These notes are limited to bash itself, and
are not complete -- although they do cover more than they omit. It is
important to note that most Linux commands are designed to work in shell
programs. Moreover, what distinguishes shell programming languages from
more generic languages (like C) is the relative ease with which they can
orchestrate other programs.

 * Tom Hull -- mailto:thull@xxxxxxxxxxx or thull@xxxxxxxxxx

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: bash.txt

These notes cover most of the features of bash as they may be used
in shell programming. They do not cover interactive features (such
as command line editing, history, aliases, job control), and do not
cover setup features (e.g., .profile) or the quirks of login shells.

Bash programming is a superset of traditional Unix Bourne shell
programming. Most (not all) of the extensions are compatible with
the more recent Korn shell (available as pdksh).


 -- Normally each line typed into bash is a command.
 -- A command can be extended over more than one line by ending all
    but the last line with backslash: \
 -- Bash has a number of special characters:
     -- Special characters cause the shell to do something special:
        ( ) [ ] { } & | > < ~ * ? $ ` # ' " \
     -- The backslash \ character quotes the next character. If
        you actually want a backslash, type two \\.
     -- A pair of single quote ' characters quotes everything but
        ' and \.
     -- A pair of double quote " characters quotes everything but
        $ ` " \.
 -- Multiple commands can be written on the same line if separated
    by ; or &.
 -- Command lines are split into tokens. Normally, the split occurs
    on space, but space may be included in a token by quoting.
 -- Each command has three standard files: stdin, stdout, stderr.
    These are normally attached to the user's tty, but can be
     -- > FILE writes stdout to FILE.
     -- < FILE reads stdin from FILE.
     -- 2> FILE writes stderr to FILE.
     -- &> FILE writes stdout and stderr to FILE. This can also
        be written as: > FILE 2>&1
     -- >> FILE appends stdout to FILE.
 -- You can provide canned stdin input (called a "here file") by using:
        COMMAND << LABEL
     -- LABEL is any arbitrary string of characters. The two occurrences
        have to match exactly, except for leading space.
     -- The input between the LABELS is effectively double-quoted,
        which means that $ and ` ` expand.
 -- Multiple commands can be strung together with | indicating that
    stdout of the previous command is redirected to stdin of the
    following command. Such commands are called a "pipeline".
 -- Some special characters cause tokens to be expanded; i.e.,
    replaced by one or more tokens. These include:
     -- Pathname expansion is done with the special characters
        * ? [ ] ~, which specify patterns for matching file names:
         -- * matches any string of zero or more characters
         -- ? matches any one character
         -- [ ] matches any one character listed inside the
            brackets, which may include ranges like [0-9].
         -- [! ] matches any one character which is not listed
            inside the brackets. [^ ] does the same thing.
         -- ~ as the first character expands to the home directory
            of a following user name; if no name, the user's home
            directory; ~+ and ~- are $PWD and $OLDPWD, respectively.
     -- A command enclosed in ` ` is substituted with the stdout of
        the command.
     -- $ indicates a variety of expansions/substitutions, which
        will be detailed further below.
 -- The first token in a command is either:
     -- A bash keyword or built-in command.
     -- A program.
 -- The tokens in a command are passed as arguments to the command.
 -- Each command has an environment, which is a list of NAME=VALUE
    strings. The default environment for a command is the shell's
    own exported environment. However, any NAME=VALUE tokens at
    the start of a command are put into the command's environment,
    and the actual command is the first non NAME=VALUE token.
 -- If the first letter in a token is #, everything from # to the
    end of line is treated as a comment.
 -- Empty lines are ignored; i.e., they are not treated as commands
    that simply do not do anything. Use : for a no-op command.
 -- Anywhere you can use a single command, you can use a list of
    commands surrounded by { }. Such a list can, for example, write
    to a pipe.
 -- You can also use ( ) to group a list of commands. This differs
    from { } in that the grouped command list is executed in a
    sub-shell (a child shell process), so they do not affect the
    parent shell. E.g.:
      -- tar cf - . | (cd /some/other/dir; tar xf -)


 -- Bash maintains two sets of variables:
     -- Exported variables, which are passed to commands as part of
        the command's environment.
     -- Non-exported variables.
 -- Bash starts up with the variables defined in its own environment.
    Such variables are automatically exported.
 -- You can define new variables: NAME=VALUE:
     -- NAME is an identifier: the first character is a letter or
        underscore _, and following characters are letters, underscores,
        or digits.
     -- VALUE is the rest of the token, evaluated after expansion and
     -- Your variables are not automatically exported. Use the export
        command to export them. You may:
         -- NAME=VALUE; export NAME
         -- export NAME=VALUE
 -- The declare or typeset command may be used to bind attributes to
    a variable. E.g.:
     -- declare -r NAME=VALUE; prevents NAME from being reset later.
     -- declare -i NAME=VALUE; causes NAME to be treated as an integer.
 -- To use the value of a variable, $NAME or ${NAME}. The latter is
    necessary if the character immediately after the end of $NAME is
    legal for variable names. The braces form is also used for:
     -- ${NAME:-WORD}; returns WORD if NAME is undefined or null, but
        does not change NAME; else returns $NAME.
     -- ${NAME:=WORD}; if NAME is undefined or null, assigns WORD to
        NAME and returns WORD; else returns $NAME.
     -- ${NAME:?MESSAGE}; if NAME is undefined or null, prints MESSAGE
        and terminates command or script.
     -- ${NAME:+WORD}; if NAME exists and isn't null, returns WORD;
        else returns null.
     -- ${NAME#PATTERN}; deletes shortest part from the beginning of
        $NAME that matches PATTERN, and returns the rest. PATTERN
        may include file name pattern characters * ? [ ].
     -- ${NAME##PATTERN}; deletes longest part from the beginning of
        $NAME that matches PATTERN, and returns the rest.
     -- ${NAME%PATTERN}; deletes shortest part from the end of $NAME
        that matches PATTERN, and returns the rest.
     -- ${NAME%%PATTERN}; deletes longest part from the end of $NAME
        that matches PATTERN, and returns the rest.
     -- ${#NAME}; gives the length of $NAME.
 -- The built-in let command evaluates integer arithmetic expressions:
     -- All identifier arguments to let are treated as variables.
     -- Each argument must be a complete expression.
     -- It is usually best to quote each argument, since most of the
        operators are shell special characters.
     -- The operators, their precedence and associativity, are the
        same as in C.
     -- The return value of let is 0 (OK) if the last expression
        evaluated is non-zero; 1 (ERROR) if zero.
     -- Use $((EXPR)) to evaluate and substitute integer arithmetic
        expressions anywhere in a command line.
 -- To remove a variable definition:
        unset VARIABLE ...
 -- Variables can be assigned interactively with the read command:
        read VARIABLE ...
     -- This reads a line from stdin, and splits it into as many
        variables as are named on the line. The last named variable
        holds the remainder of the line, regardless of whether it
        could be further split.
     -- The split is controlled by the IFS variable. IFS means
        "input field separator", and is the set of characters
        (default: space) which separate command line tokens. You
        can change IFS to anything you want to control the split
        by read, but should remember to change it back again.
            cat /etc/passwd | while read name passwd uid rest

Conditional Execution:

 -- Every command has a exit status: an integer between 0 and 255.
    By convention, exit status 0 is regarded as ok/success/true,
    and any non-0 value is regarded as error/failure/false. Values
    from 126 up have meanings reserved to the shell (e.g., signal-
    terminated commands are 128 + signal number).
 -- The exit status of the last run command is available in the
    $? variable.
 -- There are several keywords which allow you to execute commands
    conditionally: if, then, elif, else, fi:
     -- if starts a test command (up to the following then) and a
        conditional block (up to the following fi).
     -- then starts a block of commands that are executed if the
        preceding if test is true. The then block cannot be empty,
        although it can contain the no-op command : or built-in
        commands like variable assignments.
     -- else starts a block of commands that are executed if the
        preceding if test is false.
     -- fi ends the conditional block.
     -- elif starts a test command, which is executed only if all
        previous if and elif test commands are false.
     -- if/fi blocks can be nested. One advantage of using elif is
        that it appears at the same nesting level as the initial
        if, so does not require an extra fi as would be the case
        if you used else if.
     -- You can use ! between if or elif and the following test
        command(s). In this case the then-clause command(s) will be
        executed if the test command(s) are false.
 -- The && and || operators can be used for simple conditional
     -- CMD1 && CMD2; will execute CMD2 only if CMD1 is true.
     -- CMD1 || CMD2; will execute CMD2 only if CMD1 is false.
 -- The built-in test command is commonly used for test expressions.
    It is more commonly written as [ TEST-EXPRESSION ]. The test
    expressions include:
     -- File conditions:
         -- [ -b FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is block special.
         -- [ -c FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is character special.
         -- [ -d FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is a directory.
         -- [ -e FILE ]; true if FILE exists.
         -- [ -f FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is a regular file.
         -- [ -g FILE ]; true if FILE exists and setgid bit is set.
         -- [ -k FILE ]; true if FILE exists and sticky bit is set.
         -- [ -p FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is a named pipe.
         -- [ -r FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is readable.
         -- [ -s FILE ]; true if FILE exists and has size > 0.
         -- [ -t [N] ]; true if file descriptor N (default 1) is a
            terminal device.
         -- [ -u FILE ]; true if FILE exists and setuid bit is set.
         -- [ -w FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is writable.
         -- [ -x FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is executable (or
            searchable if directory).
         -- [ -G FILE ]; true if FILE exists and its group is same
            as the effective group ID.
         -- [ -L FILE ]; true if file exists and is a symbolic link.
         -- [ -O FILE ]; true if FILE exists and its owner is same
            as the effective user ID.
         -- [ -S FILE ]; true if FILE exists and is a socket.
         -- [ FILE1 -ef FILE2 ]; true if FILE1 and FILE2 are linked.
         -- [ FILE1 -nt FILE2 ]; true if FILE1 is newer than FILE2.
         -- [ FILE1 -ot FILE2 ]; true if FILE1 is older than FILE2.
     -- String conditions:
         -- [ -n S1 ]; true if S1 has length > 0.
         -- [ -z S1 ]; true if S1 has zero length.
         -- [ S1 = S2 ]; true if S1 and S2 are the same.
         -- [ S1 != S2 ]; true if S1 and S2 are not the same.
         -- [ S1 ]; true if S1 is not null.
     -- Integer comparisions:
         -- [ N1 -eq N2 ]; true if N1 equals N2.
         -- [ N1 -ge N2 ]; true if N1 is greater than or equals N2.
         -- [ N1 -gt N2 ]; true if N1 is greater than N2.
         -- [ N1 -le N2 ]; true if N1 is less than or equals N2.
         -- [ N1 -lt N2 ]; true if N1 is less than N2.
         -- [ N1 -ne N2 ]; true if N1 does not equal N2.
     -- Combined expressions:
         -- [ ! EXPR ]; true if EXPR is false.
         -- [ EXPR -a EXPR ]; true if both EXPRs are true.
         -- [ EXPR -o EXPR ]; true if either EXPR is true.
         -- Use parentheses to force evaluation order. Parentheses
            have to be escaped: \( ... \).
 -- There is a case statement which looks like:
        case STRING in
          PATTERN ) COMMANDS ;;
     -- This compares the STRING argument to one or more PATTERNs.
        On the first match, bash runs the corresponding COMMANDS up
        to ;;, then skips any remaining sections up to the esac.
     -- The PATTERNs may use file name wild card characters.
     -- *) matches all STRINGs, so can be used for a default case.


 -- Bash supports a top-test conditional loop construct:
        while TEST-COMMANDS
        do COMMANDS
    The while keyword executes the test command(s) and, if true,
    executes the commands bracketed by do ... done. This construct
    repeats until the test command(s) evaluate to false.
     -- Instead of while, you can use until, which breaks when the
        test command(s) evaluate to true.
     -- Bash does not provide a bottom-test loop.
 -- Bash supports an interator:
        for NAME in ...
        do COMMANDS
    For each argument following in, the iterator sets a variable
    NAME to the argument, then executes COMMANDS.
     -- The in clause may be omitted, in which case the default
        argument list is $* (the arguments to the enclosing
        program or function).e
 -- Loops and iterators may be nested.
 -- Use break to stop execution within a command list and break
    out of its enclosing loop. You may specify a number of loops
    to break out of.
 -- Use continue to stop execution within a command list and
    start the next loop/iteration. You may specify a number of
    loops to jump to.

Shell Scripts, Source Files, Functions:

 -- A shell script is a regular text file, which consists of
    shell commands.
 -- The first line of a shell script should be:
        #! /bin/bash
    When Linux goes to load a program (cf. exec(2)), it looks
    at the first few characters of the program to find out what
    format the program is in (e.g., ELF, COFF). If the first
    two characters are #!, Linux looks at the next string in
    the line to specify an interpreter for the file. Linux
    then loads the interpreter, and passes the file to the
    interpreter as an argument.
 -- The shell script should have its executable bits set.
    (If the executable bits are not set, you can still run
    the shell script as an argument to explictly invoking
    bash, but you cannot run it under its own name.)
 -- Command line arguments to a shell script are accessible
    through special variables:
     -- $0, $1, $2, ... are the positional parameters. $0 is
        generally the name of the program, while $1 and on
        are command line arguments.
     -- $# is set to the number of positional parameters, not
        including #0.
     -- $* is the list of all arguments from $1 on.
     -- $@ is the same as $*, except that when $@ appears in
        double quotes "$@" it causes each argument to be
        quoted as a separate string, while "$*" is only one
     -- The shift command causes all positional parameters to
        be shifted down one number, discarding the old $1 and
        reducing $# by one. You can specify an argument to
        shift to shift by an arbitrary amount.
 -- Some shell scripts (including /etc/profile and the .profile
    in your own home directory) are meant to be processed inside
    an existing shell, instead of running as a sub-process of a
    shell. These are called "source" files. To read a source
    file, use either:
        . COMMAND
        source COMMAND
     -- Bash will search $PATH to find a source file, but will
        only find it if the executable bit is set.
     -- Positional parameters are set for source files.
 -- Use getopts to extract command line options within shell
    scripts. Typically, this looks like:
        while getopts OPTSTRING OPT
            case $OPT in
        shift $((OPTIND - 1))
     -- OPTSTRING contains option letters, optionally followed by
        colon :. The colon indicates that the option takes an
     -- getopts extracts the next option flag from the positional
        parameters, and returns it in $OPT. getopts will fail when
        there are no further valid option flags, at which point
        the while loop breaks.
     -- The case construct should have patterns for each option
        specified in OPTSTRING. If an option takes an argument,
        pick up the arguments from $OPTARG.
     -- getopts updates $OPTIND to index the next positional
        parameter to look at. This can be used after the end of
        getopts processing to shift the optional arguments out
        of the positional parameters.
     -- Normally getopts will complain when it receives an option
        which is not specified in OPTSTRING. This can be suppressed
        by providing : as the first character in OPSTRING. In any
        case, getopts returns ? for all unmatched options, so the
        case code can provide error reporting.
 -- Bash supports functions:
         function NAME {
    A function works like a command or shell script, except that
    it is directly executed within the parent bash process, so
    can refer to unexported variables and can change process
    attributes, like the current working directory.
     -- The arguments passed to a function set the positional
        parameters for the scope of the function. The function
        body refers to its positional parameters, $#, $*, $@,
        and may shift them.
     -- A return within a function body halts execution and
        returns a specified exit status (default 0). The caller
        may then refer to this exit status as $?.
     -- Variables can be defined as local to a function:
            local NAME=VALUE ...
     -- An alternate format for defining a function is:
            NAME () {
 -- A shell script may arrange to trap signals:
        trap "COMMANDS" SIGNALS
     -- SIGNALS are signal numbers, or 0 to indicate any exit
        from the shell. Trapping 0 is often used for cleanup
     -- COMMANDS are typically quoted, since they must appear
        as a single non-numeric argument.
     -- The command "" causes the signal to be ignored.
     -- COMMANDS may be omitted, which causes SIGNALS to be
        handled using their normal defaults.
 -- To exit from a shell script, use:
        exit [STATUS]
 -- To load another program into the shell's process:
        exec COMMAND [...]


 -- Some shell options are useful for debugging shell scripts:
     -- bash -n SCRIPT; checks for syntax errors, but does not
        execute commands. Within a shell script, this can be
        turned on by: set -n; or set -o noexec.
     -- bash -v SCRIPT; echoes commands before running them.
        Also: set -v; or set -o verbose.
     -- bash -x SCRIPT; echoes commands after processing the
        command line. Also: set -x; or set -o xtrace.

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