Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: October 1999:
[aclug-L] Diald question

[aclug-L] Diald question

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To: "'Linux User's Group Mailing List'" <ACLUG-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] Diald question
From: Nathan & Jenny <njcozzen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 14:04:48 -0500
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello All,

I'm trying to set up Diald, and I'm realizing how little I know.  Here's
what I've done so far.

    Downloaded the latest diald from the diald web site.
    Uncompressed and untared the file.
    make     (gave me some kind of an error)
    make install      (even though "make" gave me the error......did a
bunch of stuff.....when I ran "make" again, it didn't give me the error,
but said diald didn't need any updates or something to that effect)

Now I'm reading man pages for diald and diald-example, and I'm thinking
I'm in over my head.
diald-example is talking about connect scripts.  It says that if you're
using pppd, you've probably already got a connect script.  Problem is, I
don't know if I'm using pppd.

Every time I login to my ISP, I'm using the Network Configurator to dial
my modem and activate my ppp connection.   Is there a way I can figure
out if I have a connect script and what that connect script might be?

If your wondering about my other details:
RedHat 6.0
Gnome w/ Enlightement

Thanks for your help,

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