Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: May 1999:
[aclug-L] Linux Demo Day

[aclug-L] Linux Demo Day

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To: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Linux Demo Day
From: "Clint A. Brubakken" <cabrubak@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 09:58:02 -0500
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Sounds interesting, since we do this all the time, maybe we should
Clint Brubakken
Computer Science Services Group, LLC
Wichita, KS
Oh great modem, why hast thou forsaken me?
                                        -- Dust Puppy
User Friendly, 3/2/1998
Approved: linux-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mikko Rauhala)
Message-ID: <pycola.926711561.26190@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 19:52:41 GMT
From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Saxena)
Subject: Linux Demo Day Project -
Reply-to: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx
Old-Date: 12 May 1999 15:50:22 -0500
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Organization: none
Followup-To: comp.os.linux.misc
X-No-Archive: yes
X-Auth: PGPMoose V1.1 PGP comp.os.linux.announce


This is an official announcement and call for participation for the 
Linux Demo Day project (  The goal of this project is 
to coordinate a worldwide demonstration of Linux for the thousands of 
people who have heard of Linux due to the recent media coverage it's gotten, 
but have _never seen Linux in action_.  In addition, the demonstrations 
will also help spread the word about Linux to the even larger number of 
users who are not even aware that there is an alternative to using a 
Microsoft product on their PC.

The basic idea behind this project is for LUGs to go into schools, shopping
malls, computer stores, or where ever they can/want to get permission, and
setup demonstration of Linux.  Show off GIMP, GNOME, KDE, Applix, Q3, Civ,
Applixware, StarOffice, WordPerfect, and the many other applications that
allow you to  replace your Windows desktop with a Linux box.  In addition,
the participants would handout info pamphlets about Linux and possibly 
give out free CDs and other Linux stuff.

Currently this project is just a crazy idea that I have, but
hopefully there are enough other Linux nuts out there that we can pull 
this off.  We need all sorts of help.  Writers to write/translate 
pamphlets, a logo for our pamphlets and t-shirts, a few people to help 
with the web site, etc, etc.  Most importantly, we need LUGs to participate 
in the project by going out and setting up demos.

The date for the demo day is somwhere betweeen Sept. 12-19th.  The
reason is because according to Linus[1], this is when kernel 0.01 
was released, so what better way to celebrate the Linux's bday than
to expose it to more people?

Please join the mailing list if you have any ideas or just want to find 
out more about the project. To join, mail linuxdemo-request@xxxxxxxxxxx
with 'subscribe' in the message body.

For more background on my motivation for this project, see

I will be at Linux Expo next week and would love to get together
with any Linux users who don't think I'm completely insane and want
to discuss ideas for the project.

The web page, like the project, is just starting up, so please drop
me a note if you have problems with it.

- - Deepak Saxena


- --
deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx -- ICQ: 17774863
Home: (480)446-0903 Work: (480)554-9339

One Day - One World - One Operating System - An Army of Geeks
LinuxDemo Day '99 -

- -- 
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