Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: announce: April 2005:
[announce] April ACLUG Meeting: Monday, April 11 @ 7:30pm : New Meeting

[announce] April ACLUG Meeting: Monday, April 11 @ 7:30pm : New Meeting

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To: <announce@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [announce] April ACLUG Meeting: Monday, April 11 @ 7:30pm : New Meeting Location
From: "Dale W Hodge" <dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 10:27:43 -0500
Reply-to: announce@xxxxxxxxx

This month's meeting will held at The Wichita Eagle, where we will 
have a short tour of the facility before moving to the conference 
room where future meetings will be held.  Eric Dexter will be our 
host for this meeting. 

His instructions follow:

People can arrive between 7pm and 8pm, and can park in the back 
Lot (South side of the building), and enter via the South entrance. 
Security should be at the entrance, and by mentioning the LUG 
meeting, they'll let you in. Conference room A is on the Mezzanine 
between the 1st and 2nd floors, and can be accessed by the elevator
(security will point you in the right direction).

At 8pm, I'll give a brief presentation about our systems, then bring 
people around the building for a 5 cent tour. After which, we can 
hang out in the conference room again, and proceed like any other 

802.11b network will be available, as will some wired ports. If 
anyone else would like to make a presentation, the projector will be 
available as well. If not, we can just BS.

Meeting Details:

Monday, April 11 
7:30pm ~ 9:00pm

The Wichita Eagle Building
825 E Douglas, Wichita Ks

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  • [announce] April ACLUG Meeting: Monday, April 11 @ 7:30pm : New Meeting Location, Dale W Hodge <=