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[announce] May Aclug Meeting: Monday, May 12: Wireless Security - a movi

[announce] May Aclug Meeting: Monday, May 12: Wireless Security - a movi

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To: <announce@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [announce] May Aclug Meeting: Monday, May 12: Wireless Security - a moving target
From: "Dale W Hodge" <dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 23:03:45 -0500
Reply-to: announce@xxxxxxxxx

This month's Aclug meeting is titled: Wireless Security - a moving target

The meeting will consist of:

A general overview of 802.11x and WEP. 

Presentation of monitoring/stumbling/sniffing tools built for *nix. 

Presentation of open-source access point security products.

A brief presentation of commercial (free as in beer and not) access point
security products. 

This topic will be presented by Michael Osten.

When: Monday May 12, 7:30 - 9:00pm
Where: Room 260 in Jabara Hall on the WSU Campus

We hope to see you there!


Dale W Hodge - dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vice Chairman & Secretary - info@xxxxxxxxx
Air Capital Linux User's Group  (ACLUG)

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  • [announce] May Aclug Meeting: Monday, May 12: Wireless Security - a moving target, Dale W Hodge <=