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ACLUG Meeting October 5 (Wichita, KS)

ACLUG Meeting October 5 (Wichita, KS)

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To: aclug-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ACLUG Meeting October 5 (Wichita, KS)
From: John Goerzen (ACLUG) <aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 28 Sep 1998 08:02:31 -0500
Reply-to: aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx

         --== Air Capital Linux Users Group of Wichita, KS ==--

Monday, October 5, 1998: Penguin Nets
Contact: John Goerzen <aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Location: 7:00/7:30 PM in 260 Jabara Hall at Wichita State (details below)
          This event is free and open to the public.  Please forward this
          message to anyone you feel may be interested in attending.


 * Penguin Nets (Monday, October 5, 1998)
 * ACLUG and local Linux news
 * Upcoming ACLUG meeting on October 19
 * Meeting format reminder
 * Location information and links to maps
 * Contacts, Background information on ACLUG, and miscellaneous


Networking is considered by many to be the single strongest feature of 
Linux.  Linux's native networking, TCP/IP, is the same as that used on 
the Internet, so Linux instantly has tremendous power for both a local 
Ethernet and connecting to the global Internet.

You may recall that on July 2, we had a meeting about networking.  The 
October 5 meeting will be quite different.  In July, we highlighted a
lot of different aspects of networking in Linux but didn't get a
detailed treatment of any of them except PPP.  On Oct. 5, we'll be
discussing several issues in detail, including:

 * IP Masquerading (aka Network Address Translation [NAT], VPN, etc)
   IP Masq. allows you to have a single Internet connection (modem,
   for instance) and seamlessly share it among other computers at your
   location -- without paying extra.  We'll talk about how IP
   Masquerading works and how to set it up.
 * SAMBA allows you to integrate Windows into a Linux network or Linux
   into a Windows network.  We'll go over the basic uses of Samba and
   talk a bit about how it works.
 * Network security issues are an important concern.  We'll go into
   as much detail as time allows on this issue, but we could easily spend
   two months on security without covering everything.

When you leave, you will hopefully see why Penguins build a better net 
than open windows do.


A lot of people have been wondering about compiling a custom kernel.
Fortunately, we discussed that back in May.  That probably doesn't
help you if you weren't part of the group in May, but fortunately, I
put the instructions up on the Web at:

If you will be wanting to use IP masquerading, you will most likely
need to compile yourself a kernel, so you can skim this page before
the meeting if you want.

In other news, some people have written up webpages about connecting
to some various ISPs.  Links to these pages are available at

I'm looking for your favorite Linux websites.  Send the URLs to
aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx and they'll be included under a future "favorite
ACLUG websites" area on the ACLUG website.


After October 5, the next meeting with a planned agenda is October
19.  Of course, ACLUG will continue meeting every other Monday after
that.  The agenda for October 19 is tentatively set as follows:

 * Graphical user interfaces under Linux: KDE, Gnome, fvwm2,
   Enlightenment, and the new Window Maker.  A brief review of
   the differences between them and who would benefit the most
   from each one in particular.
 * Linux distributions comparison and discussion.  Which
   distribution is right for which people and *why*.  Why Debian
   and RedHat are currently the most popular, and the future
   direction of the distributions.
 * A brief coverage of the legal issues surrounding the
   controversial KDE/Qt issue, and a brief discussion of what
   this does to the future of KDE.
 * Brief coverage of legal issues at play in the distributions.

After October 19, there are several suggestions.  One that sounds good 
is Linux system administration -- how to format your own disks, add
and delete user accounts, and the like, but it's not set in stone
yet.  Also, there is some demand for another Free Linux Install
sometime yet this fall, so stay tuned.  My current idea is to have
such a thing sometime around Thanksgiving, but this of course is not
set in stone either.


A recap from our previous announcement:

  Beginning on our August 10th meeting, we'll have a new format.
  One issue that has been somewhat troublesome is making presentations
  interesting and useful for people with a wide range of Linux
  experiences.  We want our meetings to be useful for as many people as
  possible, so our plan is this: For those of you that are starting out
  with Linux, or just interested in what Linux can do, please feel free
  to join us at 7:00 PM on each meeting date (every other Monday).
  We'll go over some Linux basics, have some Q&A, or give a bit of
  preparatory explanation before the evening's presentation -- whatever
  you would like.

  Our regular presentation will begin at 7:30 as it always has.  Off
  course, if you can make it at 7, you're encouraged to stay for the
  whole program.  You are welcome to arrive at either 7 or 7:30.


We will hold the this event in the Computer Science Department in
Jabara Hall on the main east campus of Wichita State University.
ACLUG has assembled some driving instructions on the Web at  We will be located on the second floor of
Jabara Hall.  We expect to be in room 260, but we'll be sure to post
signs if we need to relocate elsewhere.  You'll be able to find a sign
on the wall in front of the 2nd floor elevator when you arrive.


For more information

You can write to aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx.  Further details will be posted
to the aclug-announce mailing list; you can subscribe for free at

About the Air Capital Linux Users Group

ACLUG was created in early 1998 as a group to help people discover
better ways to take advantage of modern computing through the use of
Linux.  All ACLUG events are free; we have hosted two free Linux
installation events, during which Linux was installed on dozens of
computers for no charge.  We would like to show the benefits of Unix
operating systems such as Linux to as many people as possible.  ACLUG
members range from people just starting out with computers and Linux
to those that have written parts of the Linux system or are doing
computer research under the Linux platform.

About Linux
Linux is a modern, fully 32- and 64-bit operating system that runs on
a wide variety of hardware.  Its most popular use is on PC-style
hardware, where Linux can completely replace Windows 95, Windows 98,
or NT.  Linux sports astounding reliability, power, flexibility,
scalibility, and networking.  Linux is the most popular OS for
Internet servers, beating NT.  Linux also works on less-expensive
computers than NT.

Linux is developed by a worldwide team of programmers: individuals,
companies, and universities using the Internet.  All source code is
available, allowing peer review -- which is important for an operating 

ACLUG would like to show you the benefits of Linux for home and
business use.  Feel free to attend one of our meetings or ask
questions about Linux at aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx.

John Goerzen
President, Air Capital Linux Users Group

This is the Air Capitol Linux Users Group announcements list. Subscribe and
unsubscribe instructions, as well as mailing list archives, are on the Web at  If you have a question about
the list or want to submit an item for announcement, send it to

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