Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: activities: August 2008:
[activities] LISA '08 Registration Now Available

[activities] LISA '08 Registration Now Available

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To: activities@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [activities] LISA '08 Registration Now Available
From: Lionel Garth Jones <lgj@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 14:18:59 -0700
Reply-to: activities@xxxxxxxxx

LISA '08: 22nd Large Installation System Administration Conference
November 9=9614, 2008, San Diego, CA

LISA '08 offers in-depth training by experts such as Mark Burgess on
Cfengine and David N. Blank-Edelman on Over the Edge System
Administration. NEW! LISA includes training tracks on Solaris and
Virtualization taught by industry leaders such as James Mauro and
Richard McDougall.

The comprehensive 3-day technical program includes a keynote address by
Sean Dennehy of the CIA on Intellipedia; 18 refereed papers; and invited
talks including plenaries by Bruce Schneier and David Wagner.

Don't miss out on opportunities for in-person discussion on topics that
mean the most to you. Registration is now open and the full program is

Register online by October 17 and save!

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