Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: March 2009:
Duplicate email

Duplicate email

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Duplicate email
From: "Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle" <leonardof@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 07:35:34 -0300

Hi there! I'm a new OfflineIMAP user and I need advice on how to get
myself out of a situation.

Just after fetching all my mail, I found out Evolution expected the
separator to be "/" and not ".". I thought I could get away with
renaming folders like "INBOX.Trash" to "INBOX/Trash" and changing
~/.offlineimaprc accordingly, but it didn't work as expected (by me). On
syncing with the remote IMAP server, the emails started to get
duplicates, i. e., there are two of which in the IMAP server. Any
suggestions on how to remove the duplicates?

The Web interface of the IMAP server doesn't have a "remove duplicates"
command. Evolution kind of has a "remove duplicates" plugin, but it
crashes if I ask it to ju7st go and remove all the duplicates, maybe
because of the amount of email (tens of thounsands), maybe because right
now my quota is > 90% full. For some reason, the "account" in Evolution
looking at the local OfflineIMAP store doesn't see any duplicate. So,
what is the best option? I could remove duplicates from the IMAP server
with Evolution in small chunks, but that would take forever. I would
really love if there were some way to fix my local repository so that
Evolution would spot the duplicate mail and be able to remove it.

Thanks in advance!

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