Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: March 2009:
problems resolved, yay!

problems resolved, yay!

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: problems resolved, yay!
From: "David L. Emerson" <demerson3x@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:01:19 -0700

Hey there,

just wanted to write and say "thank you" for fixed bugs! The git version 
is working great, and based on the messages I've been reading, I think 
I may try it out with gmail.

I'd been using 5.99.4 for a long time, much because of a bug which 
called os.makedirs even though the target new directory already existed 
(which of course caused a crash). I was lazy to get a new version 
because I didn't want to have to re-implement my own fix again... but I 
didn't have to!

Another really nice surprise is that offlineimap is no longer crashing 
all the time! It used to sometimes crash dozens of times when 
downloading 100 messages. So I no longer need that silly wrapper script 
to restart it (and detect which folder it was choking on so as not to 
rescan all the finished folders every time!) The new one hasn't crashed 
on me yet (well, except when I resize the xterm, making it too small 
for the curses interface, but that's no big deal)


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