%%name: Freeciv %%short-description: Civilization-like strategy game. %%full-description: Freeciv is a multiplayer strategy game that is generally comparable with Civilization II, published by Microprose.
It is implemented as two programs:
    civserver - server; handles one or more players and runs the AIs
    civclient - graphical client used by players to play the game
%%category: games %%license: GPL %%maintainer: Freeciv development team %%updated: 23 May 2000 %%keywords: games, strategy, civilization, multiplayer %%interface: X, command-line %%programs: civserver, civclient %%GNU: no %%web-page: http://www.freeciv.org/ %%support: %%doc: Available from http://www.freeciv.org/ %%developers: See http://www.freeciv.org/people.phtml %%contributors: See http://www.freeciv.org/people.phtml %%sponsors: %%source: http://www.freeciv.org/download.phtml %%debian: http://www.freeciv.org/download.phtml %%redhat: http://www.freeciv.org/download.phtml %%repository: cvs.freeciv.org:/home/freeciv/CVS %%related: %%human-languages: de, en_GB, es, fr, hu, ja, nl, no, pl, pt, pt_BR, ru %%source-language: C %%supported-languages: %%use-requirements: Xaw, Xpm -OR- Glib (1.2.6), Gtk+ (1.2.6), Imlib (1.9.2) %%build-prerequisites: make, GNU gettext, Xaw, Xpm -OR- Glib (1.2.6), Gtk+ (1.2.6), Imlib (1.9.2) %%weak-prerequisites: automake, autoconf %%source-prerequisites: %%version: 1.10 released on 21 Feb 2000 %%announce-list: freeciv-announce@xxxxxxxxxxx %%announce-news: %%help-list: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx %%help-news: %%dev-list: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx %%dev-news: %%bug-list: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx