Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: January 2009:
Seed a new computer with another's localrepository?

Seed a new computer with another's localrepository?

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Seed a new computer with another's localrepository?
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg.grossmeier@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:20:40 -0500

Hello all,

First, thanks for a great piece of software; it really does what it is designed 
to do very well.

My question is this: Is it possible to "seed" a new installation of offlineimap 
with the already downloaded MailDir from another computer?  I ask because I 
have a couple gigs worth of mail on my gmail account which I am currently 
downloading to my laptop.  I also want to use offlineimap on my desktop (to 
interface with mutt) but re-downloading all the messages again seems like a 
major redundancy.

I noticed that the hostname of the computer offlineimap is running on is 
included with the file name.  I'm assuming just renaming those files with the 
hostname changed to the new computer might create some issues?

Has anyone tried anything like this before? What has your experience been?  How 
did you go about it?

All the best,


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  • Seed a new computer with another's localrepository?, Greg Grossmeier <=