Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: May 2007:
IMAP to IMAP syncing problems with different hierarchy seperators

IMAP to IMAP syncing problems with different hierarchy seperators

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: IMAP to IMAP syncing problems with different hierarchy seperators
From: naveen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 20:09:20 +0000

I seem to be having issues with IMAP to IMAP syncing.
The situation is as follows:

'mail' uses '.' for it's hierarchy seperator.
'rfn' uses '/' for it's hierarchy seperator.

I want to sync 'mail' to 'rfn'.. Preferably to a specific part in the
'rfn' hierarchy e.g. INBOX/mail/ but i'm unsure if this is possible,
with offlineimap.

When I try this with offlineimap it seems to get permission denied
errors when creating mailboxes for 'rfn'. I think it's trying to use
the '.' seperator.

Any assistance with this would be much aprpeciated. The following
config and output offflineimap is attached as text files:

Naveen Nathan

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Ecartis --

accounts = mailTorfn

[Account mailTorfn]
localrepository = rfn
remoterepository = mai1

[Repository mail]
type = IMAP
remotehost = mail
remoteuser = nnathan
remotepass = password
expunge = no
sep = .
ssl = yes

[Repository rfn]
type = IMAP
remotehost = rfn
remoteuser = naveen
remotepass = password
expunge = no
sep = /
#ssl = yes

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Ecartis --

$ offlineimap -uNoninteractive.Basic
OfflineIMAP 4.0.16
Copyright (C) 2002 - 2006 John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see the file
COPYING for details.  This is free software, and you are welcome
to distribute it under the conditions laid out in COPYING.
***** Processing account mailTorfn
Copying folder structure from IMAP to MappedIMAP
Establishing connection to mail:993.
Establishing connection to rfn:143.
Thread 'Account sync mailTorfn' terminated with exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 153, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 422, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
"/home/naveen/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/offlineimap/", line 
113, in syncrunner
"/home/naveen/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/offlineimap/", line 
133, in sync
 line 136, in syncfoldersto
 line 213, in makefolder
    raise RuntimeError, "Repository %s could not create folder %s: %s" % 
(self.getname(), foldername, str(result))
RuntimeError: Repository rfn could not create folder INBOX.Sent: ('NO', 
['Permission denied'])

Last 50 debug messages logged for Account sync mailTorfn prior to exception:
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['(\\NoInferiors \\UnMarked)', '"/"', 'Sent']
imap: imapsplit() called with input: \NoInferiors \UnMarked
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['\\NoInferiors', '\\UnMarked']
imap: dequote() called with input: Sent
imap: dequote() called with input: Sent
imap: imapsplit() called with input: (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" Drafts
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['(\\NoInferiors \\UnMarked)', '"/"', 'Drafts']
imap: imapsplit() called with input: \NoInferiors \UnMarked
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['\\NoInferiors', '\\UnMarked']
imap: dequote() called with input: Drafts
imap: dequote() called with input: Drafts
imap: imapsplit() called with input: (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" Trash
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['(\\NoInferiors \\UnMarked)', '"/"', 'Trash']
imap: imapsplit() called with input: \NoInferiors \UnMarked
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['\\NoInferiors', '\\UnMarked']
imap: dequote() called with input: Trash
imap: dequote() called with input: Trash
imap: imapsplit() called with input: (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" INBOX.Sent
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['(\\NoInferiors \\UnMarked)', '"/"', 'INBOX.Sent']
imap: imapsplit() called with input: \NoInferiors \UnMarked
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['\\NoInferiors', '\\UnMarked']
imap: dequote() called with input: INBOX.Sent
imap: dequote() called with input: INBOX.Sent
imap: imapsplit() called with input: (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" 
"INBOX.Deleted Items"
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['(\\NoInferiors \\UnMarked)', '"/"', 
'"INBOX.Deleted Items"']
imap: imapsplit() called with input: \NoInferiors \UnMarked
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['\\NoInferiors', '\\UnMarked']
imap: dequote() called with input: "INBOX.Deleted Items"
imap: dequote() returning: INBOX.Deleted Items
imap: dequote() called with input: INBOX.Deleted Items
imap: imapsplit() called with input: (\NoInferiors) NIL INBOX
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['(\\NoInferiors)', 'NIL', 'INBOX']
imap: imapsplit() called with input: \NoInferiors
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['\\NoInferiors']
imap: dequote() called with input: INBOX
imap: dequote() called with input: INBOX
imap: Attempting plain authentication
imap: imapsplit() called with input: (\Noselect) "/" ""
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['(\\Noselect)', '"/"', '""']
imap: dequote() called with input: "/"
imap: dequote() returning: /
imap: dequote() called with input: ""
imap: dequote() returning: 
imap: imapsplit() called with input: (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['(\\HasNoChildren)', '"/"', '"INBOX"']
imap: imapsplit() called with input: \HasNoChildren
imap: imapsplit() returning: ['\\HasNoChildren']
imap: dequote() called with input: "INBOX"
imap: dequote() returning: INBOX
imap: dequote() called with input: INBOX

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