Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: February 2002:
[gopher] Gnopher, Themes

[gopher] Gnopher, Themes

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Gnopher, Themes
From: Ralph Furmaniak <sugaku@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 17:28:29 -0500
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

After installing 52 rpms, Gnopher is working for me and is just groovy.  Most
other people will not need to install so many things, but
1) I am using RedHat not Debian (sigh)
2) I did not have nautilas, gnome-vfs, and a whole shebang of stuff
3) I am running Redhat 7.1 and downloaded 7.2 rpms, so everything started to
But enough about this.

Gnopher's going great, and I was even able to put together a theme for it.  You
can download it or see a screenshot at my gopher which is at
(available both through http:// and through gopher://).  I am still a bit
uncertain about the link colour.

I might as well also say that bucktooth can handle URLs, as was proposed by John

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