Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: March 2000:
[Freeciv] Re: How can I remove/uninstall FreeCiv

[Freeciv] Re: How can I remove/uninstall FreeCiv

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To: xiaorongjiang@xxxxxxxx, freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv] Re: How can I remove/uninstall FreeCiv
From: Reinier Post <rp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 09:25:41 +0100

On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 12:08:30AM +0800, xiaorongjiang wrote:
> Hello listar,
>     Of course, not now. But in one day, not too far, when my harddisk
> is too full, how can I remove or uninstall freeciv?

What I always do is keep it in its own separate tree.  That way I can
just rm -rf the tree.  (This is on Unix.)

One trick you may use (at a time when you have enough space) is install
it in a different tree, for example,

  ./configure --prefix=/tmp/freeciv

would cause 'make install' to install it in /tmp/freeciv.
That way you can find out exactly which files it added.
For example, if your original installation was in /usr/local,
all you'd need to do to remove it is

  cd /usr/local
  (cd /tmp/freeciv; find . -type f) | xargs rm
  (cd /tmp/freeciv; find . -type d -depth) | xargs rmdir

>     I'm a student, learnning linux (RedHat6.0) now. Sadly, I successed
> in installing freeciv, but I still not learn to uninstall any software.

Freeciv also has .rpm packages that you can just uninstall by using
the rpm command.  But there aren't rpm packages for every version
I like to try, so I never use them.


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