Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: October 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] rndCiv version 0.2

[Freeciv-Dev] rndCiv version 0.2

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To: Freeciv <freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Freeciv Dev <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] rndCiv version 0.2
From: banjo <banjo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 18 Oct 2003 01:33:07 +1300


I have uploaded the latest version of rndCiv to incoming
previous versions may be deleted.

This version handles units, buildings and governments ruleset
dependencies much better.

I am unsure as to how to handle the cathedral_plus, cathedral_minus,
colosseum_plus, and temple_plus flags that appear at the bottom of
the building.ruleset.  There is a note saying these flags will be
unneeded when gen-impr is implemented - is this likely to be soon ?
In other words, should i bother trying to resolve this issue ?

It would be handy if someone could go through the rulesets/Notes.*
files and expand upon what flags are available.

Can vision_range for a unit = 0? this would be nice for Rockets.

Is the building conditional aff_spec implemented ?

Also, what has to be done to get the picture directory changes
that ESR started completed?

Is there a possibility that the server could send images that the 
client does not have to the client ?  In the interests of saving
bandwidth the client should cache these images.

banjo <banjo@xxxxxxxxxx>

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