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[Freeciv-Dev] Single-player Freeciv notices

[Freeciv-Dev] Single-player Freeciv notices

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To: Freeciv Developers List <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Single-player Freeciv notices
From: Stepan Roh <stepan@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 13:16:49 +0100 (CET)

Hi. Being sick I played a game of single-player Freeciv (version 1.13.0,
client gtk1, isometric tileset) and here are my remarks (some are
gtk-related, some are general; rechecked with 1.14.1-devel from latest

- isometric navigation is not very intuitive (clicking on the right of
screen center will move actual rectangle on mini-map towards northeast and
not east, and vice versa) - civ2's style is better
- mini-images on left panel (like global warming indicator etc. - game
state indicators according to client manual) needs tooltips else they are
not very useful
- there should be easy way to see help for built city improvements, active
units, units in the city, terrain in the city map etc.
- minimap in the city window with highlighted city position could be
- the space for units in city window is wasted (there can be more units
- deleting units from worklist is very unintuitive (double-clicking) -
drag&drop or classic <-, -> buttons may be improvement
- supported units should have indication of current location
(coordinates and city name or "near <city name>", just like in civ2)
- visible map coordinates in middle-click info
- cities (F1) window should not be reset to default if closed and then
opened and already opened window should be moved to top if F1 is pressed
- it should be possible to sort cities according to production
(numerically) and not only according to text in column "Surplus F/P/T"
- waypoints for Go to and Patrol commands (it is very annoying if
patrolling ship goes near the enemy coastline where it is interrupted each
- full demographics (not just first one in each row)
- ability to mark map spots with my own signs
- colorized messages (color based on message importance)
- it is very annoying that Coinage blocks city from automatic deciding
what to build next (it should be automatically changed to some city
improvement if AI decides it with possibility to turn it off on per-city basis)

I hope it is understandable.

Have a nice day.

Stepan Roh

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