Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [PATCH RFC] borders-5

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [PATCH RFC] borders-5

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To: Stewart Adcock <adcock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [PATCH RFC] borders-5
From: Jason Short <vze2zq63@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 00:49:59 -0500
Reply-to: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Stewart Adcock wrote:


I've just updated my borders patch to the latest cvs version. There have been some significant enhancements since the last version I posted. I will be extremely busy for the next couple of weeks so am showing you all what I've got now.

I haven't had a chance to extensively test this patch since today's update, but the earlier version was perfectly stable during a couple of complete games against AI opponents. I think it is now very close to being finished. The patch contains some notes regarding what still needs to be done; see README.borders_patch.

The main thing that needs to be added is support by clients other than GTK with the isometric view.

I had to move the civ_score() code into the server from common to make it use the new territory claims. Does this cause problems for anyone? As far as I can see, it is only ever used from the server anyway.

Okay, so what you all think?

There is a bug in pixmap_put_tile_iso; you ignore the return value of normalize_map_pos(). This should never be done: it's an accident waiting to happen at best and an impending segfault at worst (as in this case).

The following code:

  if (draw_borders) {
    thisowner = map_get_owner(x,y);
    leftx = x-1;
    lefty = y;
    normalize_map_pos(&leftx, &lefty);
    rightx = x;
    righty = y-1;
    normalize_map_pos(&rightx, &righty);
    leftowner = map_get_owner(leftx, lefty);
    rightowner = map_get_owner(rightx, righty);

    if ( draw & D_M_R && thisowner != rightowner &&
         tile_get_known(rightx, righty) ) {
      if (rightowner != MAP_TILE_OWNER_NULL) {
        gdk_draw_line(pm, border_line_gc,
                   canvas_x + NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH / 2,
                    canvas_y - 1,
                   canvas_x + NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH,
                   canvas_y + NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - 1);

should either become

  if (draw_borders) {
    thisowner = map_get_owner(x,y);

    rightx = x;
    righty = y-1;
    if (normalize_map_pos(&right_x, &right_y) {
      /* the same code to draw the border */

or could use MAPSTEP as

  if (draw_borders) {
    thisowner = map_get_owner(x,y);

    if (MAPSTEP(right_x, right_y, x, y, DIR8_NORTH) {
      /* the same code to draw the border  */

or (perhaps best of all) you could turn this into a loop to avoid duplicating code. Take a look at adjc_iterate and friends in map.h.

To trigger the segfault, just build a polar city.

Also, I checked out the GTK flat-view, and it looked like there was a minor problem with the updating but things were otherwise OK. However, it suffers from the above problem as well (in pixmap_put_tile()).


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