Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] PATCH: unitstacklimits

[Freeciv-Dev] PATCH: unitstacklimits

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] PATCH: unitstacklimits
From: Marc Strous <m.strous@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 22:36:40 +0200

with some olympic delay here's the patch that allows you to set a limit
(1-20) to the amount of units that can be on one tile, as a serveroption.
in the implementation i made the following choices:
- there's a stack on the ground (water/land) and in the air, so if you set
the limit to let's say 6, 6 flying units can be above 6 ground units.
However, on airfields and in cities there's no stack in the air because air
units are supposed to be on the ground.
- transported units do not count, and this is probably realistic because
they can be compacted together (like troops packed into a troopship).
- if a unit gets produced in a city, and the city is full with units,
production gets delayed.
- heli units count as ground units when they have no movement points left
and no fuel, otherwise as air.

the ai will not cope well, i'll make changes to the ai after i implement
the stacked combat and do everything at once because the whole stack thing
makes a big difference for defending tactics. especially cities will get
full easily, and roads will get blocked.

the patch is against CVS16/09/00


Attachment: unitstacklimit.diff
Description: Text document

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