Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Improved grammatic handling of nation names.

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Improved grammatic handling of nation names.

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Improved grammatic handling of nation names.
From: Jeff Mallatt <jjm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 07:24:50 -0400

At 2000/08/21 10:05 , you wrote:
>This patch (2000-08-21) improves the grammatic handling of nation names.

This look like a great improvement.  The patch is now out of date, so I
couldn't really test it.  Just reading the patch, however, brought a couple
of issues to mind.

First, there needs to be a capability defined and used to allow old and new
clients and servers to talk to each other.

Second, I'm quite concerned about the ramifications of redefining
MAX_LEN_NAME from 32 to 128.  I think the best way would be to leave
MAX_LEN_NAME as is, and change the nation ruleset reader to use a large
buffer, then immediately apply Q_() to get the name, and apply a new macro,
S_(), which would simply strip the qualifier, to get the original name.
This would require changing several references to name into references to
name_orig.  (This all in terms of existing code, not in terms of new code.)

Also, just a code cleanliness comment, we like to try to limit lines to 80
or 90 characters.


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