Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: April 1999:
[freeciv-dev] Unit obsolescence vs Civ2

[freeciv-dev] Unit obsolescence vs Civ2

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-dev] Unit obsolescence vs Civ2
From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <bdbryant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 11:17:14 -0500

I notice that in FreeCiv you must specify unit obsolecence in terms of
another unit type, whereas in Civ2 you specify it in terms of a tech
advance.  Was the change deliberate, or did it just slip into the system
along the way?

As for which is "best", I suppose arguments could be made either way.
Unit types seem to naturally get replaced by more powerful types as they
become available.  On the other hand, it might be nice to void the
production of certain types on the basis of advancements, for instance
on the basis of some social innovation.  (For example, Monotheism might
render Bezerkers obsolete, with no new unit type actually replacing

Given my preference, I would have replaced them on the basis of
advancements.  That would give the full potential of the system as now
implemented, plus the other capability described above.  (It would let
you emulate the current system by, for example, just using Stealth
rather than Stealth Fighter to obsolete the Fighter.  There is always a
1:1 mapping between new unit types an an enabling technology, but not
vice versa.)

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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