Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Second Try at New Manual

[Freeciv-Dev] Second Try at New Manual

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Second Try at New Manual
From: David King <crkinger@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 22:06:04 -0500 (EST)

(I apologize for sending this manual as an attachment
earlier on; I thought I had killed the transmit, but
it got out anyway.)

The second installment of my Freeciv documentation project is ready
for internal review.  I have uploaded to a bzip2'd tar file of a new Freeciv
User's Manual, containing a Server Guide and a massive Client Guide.
This is entirely in HTML, since I don't think we can do without
pictures, and I couldn't see anything better than HTML.

Please look them over and send me changes.  I got good
comments last week about the server guide text, and I
can use advice on:
1. Respectable HTML formatting.  I used mostly tables
   and DL's, but I'm not happy about some things (mostly,
   the inconsistent indenting between paragraphs and
2. Compatability.  It looks acceptable to me on my
   Linux Netscape Navigator 4.08, and Lynx 2.8.1, but
   I'd appreciate users of other browsers and versions
   seeing if it looks funny.
3. Correctness.  I've run a few games to make sure of
   my comments, but I could be off.
4. Scope.  Is there more I should add?  I wanted to
   have a section in the client document showing each
   of the terrain and unit types, but broke off when
   I couldn't extract from the tileset XPMs; I will
   try some more.

I don't propose this as part of the distribution; unzipped
it will take nearly a megabyte.  I'd be glad of advice on
how to deliver this to get it onto when it
is time for 1.8.0 (the manual is not suitable for 1.7.2; it
matches the appearance of the February 18 CVS version).

I will keep watching changes go by via CVS and update
anything in the manual that needs it.  I also got a request
to make man(1) pages; I'll do that next.

David King

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